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Great lawn and landscaping information from yours truly!
Great lawn and landscaping information from yours truly!
Kyle Schroeder
Schroeder’s Lawn & Garden, LLC
(734) 323-5986 : schroederslawnandgarden@gmail.com
Schroeder’s Lawn & Garden, LLC Supports Local Military Families
Tecumseh, MI (1/4/2017) – To raise awareness of the growing need of families of deployed military personnel and post 9/11 service-connected wounded/disabled veterans who need help with basic lawn care and landscape services, Project EverGreen recognizes June 11-17, 2018 as National GreenCare for Troops Awareness Week.
Schroeder’s Lawn & Garden, LLC of Tecumseh, MI is proud to participate in the observance of a program that provides families of currently deployed military personnel as well as wounded and post 9/11 service-connected wounded/disabled veterans with complimentary lawn care and landscape services.
Studies have shown that access to well-maintained green spaces provide children with a safe place to play, exercise and compete, and connect with their community. Maintained green spaces also increase property values and provide individuals with the ability to actively participate in creating a greener, healthier, cooler Earth
Schroeder's Lawn & Garden, LLC is one of thousands of lawn care and landscape professionals across the country that donates its services and time to ease the burden on military families or disabled and wounded veterans...
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